Saturday, February 27, 2010

Willing to die for it?

A few days ago, a friend shared a story with me about a sister of a friend of hers. The sister, a diabetic, ignored the doctor’s advice about her eating habits and now she is on dialysis 3 days a week. She is in the hospital every other week trying to find a new vein to use and she is losing her eye sight. Is food so important to us that we’re willing to die for it?

My father is an overweight 70+ year old man. He had a heart attack in the early 90s. Three years ago, he had a five bypass open heart surgery. He eats fried pork tenderloin every morning for breakfast. He eats chopped pork, and almost anything fried! He doesn’t exercise. On several occasions, I have asked him if the satisfaction of the food he eats outweighs the pain he felt after his surgery.

In 2007, at age 41, I was diagnosed with the very early stages of colon cancer. At the same time, I was diagnosed with the genetic disorder called Lynch Syndrome. Lynch Syndrome means you have a gene that causes colon cancer. It is passed down from your parents and their parents. As I prepared myself for my surgery, I researched all I could about colon cancer. Every article I read and every doctor I spoke to told me that obesity didn’t help at all! I also discovered that if I had been smaller and healthier I could have had laparoscopic colon resection which would have minimized my postoperative pain and a quicker recovery.

The surgery was successful. I even lost 20+ pounds. However, within 3 months after the surgery I had gained the 20 pounds I lost plus some!! I hit 350 pounds! The heaviest I have ever been. My eating was out of control. My body ached. My energy level was non-existent. And clothes were getting harder and harder to find in my size. I remember thinking to myself, “How much bigger can I get? Am I just going to explode one day?” Then I thought, “If I can beat cancer I be damned if I am going to let obesity kill me!”

This week I celebrated my first year anniversary as a member of Weight Watchers. I have lost 93 pounds during my first year. I have 68 more pounds to go to achieve my goal.

During the past year, I have learned that I can eat healthier and enjoy it. I can eat healthier and be satisfied. Eating healthy is actually more interesting than eating the other way! I now add colorful veggies to every meal. I discovered veggies I didn’t even know existed! There are some meals where no meat is involved!

I have not eliminated any of my favorite foods! I’ve just made some adjustments. If I have pizza, I have two or three slices not the entire pie. I love Kraft Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese, I still eat it! I just don’t eat the entire box. I love birthday cake and ice cream and I still eat it! I just don’t have the entire cake and not everyday!

There are foods that I consider trigger foods such as the birthday cake and even pizza. I try to stay away from those items when the portions are not limited. For instance, I don’t do pizza buffets because I still don’t have the control I need to stop. I never said that I was perfect. I know my limits and try not to put myself in those situations. I hope one day I’ll be strong enough to do it but until I do, I’ll stay away.

My goal is to relate to food as a fuel not a reward. I enjoy eating. And I can still eat a lot of food. Before I would eat until I felt like I was going to explode! I have learned to recognize being satisfied versus gorging myself!

I have been cancer free for 2 years and counting! My high blood pressure medication has been cut in half. My doctor predicts that it will be eliminated in the near future. I am no longer a borderline diabetic. I have a more restful sleep. I’m happier because my self confidence is much stronger. And in my private life…..well use your imagination!

My battle with overeating is not over. And it will never be over because I am an overeater. The difference is I no longer live to eat but eat to live!


  1. Congratulations from another Lynch Syndrome patient, albeit ovarian cancer. You have come so very far! Best wishes.

  2. Rusty, I am so proud of you. You are doing a fantastic job and are helping others on their journey. :) mary (aka jade from perfect jade jewels)
