Sunday, January 3, 2010

Are We Afraid?

Today in my store, The Green Monkey, a friend of mine stopped by to visit. We were talking about how I could make more of the LGBT community aware of my store and entice them to visit. He made a comment that many of our community are afraid of being found “out” which in turn could hinder some potential customers from patronizing The Green Monkey. As we begin the second decade of the 21st century, are there still brothers and sisters of the LGBT community that are afraid?

We now have 6 states in our Union that recognize gay marriages. We have had celebrities publicly proclaim their endorsement of gay marriages. Could it be that some of us are afraid?

We now have a federal hate crime bill with specific language that protects people based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Several states, including NC, have an anti-bullying law that protects gay students. Are we afraid?

During the past couple of decades we have seen positive images of gay people in our hit television shows, movies and plays. No longer does Hollywood depict all gay characters dealing with HIV/AIDS. Are we afraid?

We now have 46 states in our Union that does not recognize gay marriages. We have had several states vote down our civil liberties. Should we be afraid?

In most states, including NC, you can be fired from your job for being gay. My partner was once fired from his job for being gay. Should we be afraid?

There are still gay people young and old being harassed and beaten because of what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom. Should we be afraid?

When a community paper ran the story about The Green Monkey being the first Alternative Family Store at the Raleigh Flea Market I received an email saying I should be ashamed and stop shoving my lifestyle in their face and their children’s face. Am I afraid?

Together we stand. Divided we fall. As a community let’s stand together and let our voices be heard. Are we afraid?

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